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Dump of random unorganized files - might find useful but this is where I throw stuff to transfer to other machines.
Collection of books and PDFs - unsure how I obtained some of these, some were "sign up for newsletter for free ebook".
Linux Stuff
Symptom7.tar.gz Symptom7 - a Macintosh System 7 theme for XFCE4/GTK3. Tested on Linux Mint 20.3. Created this to be as pixel perfect as possible. This is the color monitor version, instead of the 1 bit b&w version. There is also a 24px tall titlebar version included, to help your eyes out a bit :)
SevenIcons.tar.gz SevenIcons - a Macintosh System 7 icons theme for Linux. Fork of NineIcons by grassmunk. Replaced as much as I could so far to not have 3d OS8/9 icons in the set. Looks good with the Symptom7 theme.
PlatiNomNom_v1.4.tar.gz Mac OS Platinum (OS 8/9) theme for XFCE / WFWM4. I originally created this in 2012 on a Asus EEE 900. Updated 7/2/22 to allow titlebar button rearragning.
Mac-OS-9-Platinum-MB.tar.gz Modified Elbullazul's GTK3 theme for XFCE use, had some GTK issues if the apps used the newer tall titlebars. Includes my PlatiNomNom theme in this archive for a single download.
Grab the 7.5.3 or 8/9 desktop patterns below to make the desktop authentic :)
Windows 3.x Stuff
3x.zip Windows 3.x default wallpapers
3031.zip Windows 3.x alternate wallpapers
missing.zip Windows 3.00 rare wallpapers that were removed in version 3.0a for some reason
31wavs.zip Windows 3.1 WAV files
mwep.zip Microsoft Windows Entertainment Pack for Windows 3.x
vgalogo.zip Windows 3.1 default splash screen, in case yours gets modified by some install and you want the original splash back. You can replace it inside win.com with winlogo.exe
Windows 9x / Me / NT4 Stuff
9x.zip Windows 9x / NT4 default wallpapers
wavs.zip Windows 98 WAV files
media.zip Windows 95 / NT4 WAV and MIDI files
mewalls.zip Windows ME default wallpapers
plus.zip Microsoft Plus! 98 (themes, sounds, cursors, icons, screensavers)
Windows XP Stuff
xp_sounds.zip Windows XP WAV files
xpcursors.zip Windows XP Cursors
xpwall.zip Windows XP default wallpapers
Windows 2000 Stuff
IBM ThinkPad T23 Drivers IBM ThinkPad T23 Drivers for Windows 2000. Should be everything here, even optional hardware.
Mac Stuff
mac_sounds.zip Mac OS 7-9 (and OSX?) classic system sounds in WAV format. EEP!
753.zip Mac OS 7.5.3 desktop patterns
os8dp.zip Mac OS 8 and 9 desktop patterns
os89.zip Mac OS 8 and 9 desktop *pictures*
os8extra.zip Mac OS 8 extra desktop pictures
Farallon EtherMacSE drivers for Macintosh System 6 / 7   (first image I found online, second image I created from the actual floppy disk that came with the adapter.)
Random Stuff
waol.zip AOL 4.0 WAV files
msn.zip MSN Messenger WAV files from Windows XP
sol.zip / soitaire_win10.exe 32-bit version of Solitaire from NT 3.51 that will work in 64-bit Windows 10/11 (and even Win11 ARM64). In a ZIP or an EXE installer. I originally uploaded the Win95 version, but it was 16 bit!
pbwall.zip Packard Bell iMedia / Aloh@ OEM Wallpaper I recreated
roadwarx4.zip Starcraft /Starcraft BroodWar "Road War" map modified for Four Players!

Website created in FrontPage 2003. The only things I own on this site are my creations, and the Molten Software logo. 2003-2025 Molten Software. Everything else belongs to it's respective owners. Molten started as my basement computer repair lab back in high school, and although hasn't done much since, the name lives on.

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