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A little about this website and myself.

I bought the domain back in 2018 just to have my own email domain. Then it evolved to hosting a website in pure HTML 0.1 standard.

I had been designing websites since middle school (98-99), so I always get the itch to change the look of something. This is probably the 6th or 7th iteration of this website. Eventually becoming HTML4 compatible, moving on from the 0.1 code. I wanted to use tables mostly. Then I got sick of writing the code by hand, so I just started using FrontPage Express on NT4. That also got tedious as I was FTP'ing the files to my Windows 10 machine to upload, and then SFTP'ing them tothe web host. I eventually settled on FrontPage 2003 on Windows 10.

The Molten Software name came from way back in 2003. I started a computer repair "company" in my basement, and had a few of my friends join on. Started a Tripod website to advertise for it, hosted a couple modified DOS boot disks (why the boot disks? I don't know.)  Eventually it was just me though, repairing family members and their friends computers, usually for food or movie tickets, etc.

Some time in 2005, the "company" went in a different direction again, as two different friends joined up with me as we decided we were going to start working on an operating system. We designed a bunch of mockups and started a Sourceforge account for it, but we never really got anywhere past modifying a Knoppix live Debian CD.

2008 I decided to take my "company" into another computer repair venture. Had plenty of time for this as I had been gifted with a chronic GI illness, making a 9-to-5 job impossible at the time. Did quite a lot of local computer repairs and a handful of website designs. One web design customer thought I charged too low, and paid me what they thought the work was worth. That funded me to be able to buy barebones computers, load them up with Ubuntu Linux, and basic peripherals and sell them pretty cheap to low income households. This even got me on the "authorized Ubuntu repair" list.

2015 came around and my illness was under control. I obtained a primary job in nuclear medicine and it was too involved to keep up with computer repair and web design. Four years later, I graduated college and got back into an IT job, which has rapidly evolved over the years. Now my computer repair and design is just a hobby, which I find myself less and less time to enjoy. However, all through this have kept some semblance of Molten Software alive. Why did I choose to call the "company" Molten Software all those years ago? It was primarily computer repair, that actually doesn't make any sense. I still don't know. It seemed cool.

-Baylin 1.10.2025



Website created in FrontPage 2003. The only things I own on this site are my creations, and the Molten Software logo. 2003-2025 Molten Software. Everything else belongs to it's respective owners. Molten started as my basement computer repair lab back in high school, and although hasn't done much since, the name lives on.

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